jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018


When it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day this year, queueing up a romantic movie on Netflix is the way to go.
Romance always seems to play out better onscreen — in movies, music swells, the rain falls at the just the right moment and people are forgiven, even if they screwed up earlier. A romantic movie tracing the pattern of a relationship can immediately bring us back to the giddiness of a first crush or the uncertainty that follows a breakup.
Romantic movies, specifically romantic comedies, have been declared “dead” for years. But just because Hollywood isn’t churning out meet-cute scenes at the rate that it used to does not mean that people aren’t looking for a good romantic movie to watch. Everyone loves love. Now, should you base real life decisions off what occurs in a romantic movie? Absolutely not — you (probably) wouldn’t risk your life to save a stranger after watching the latest Marvel installment, either. Still, there is no need to write off romantic movies entirely, especially when staying in with a significant other on Valentine’s Day beats dealing with the crowds outside

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